Friday, September 24, 2010

Quinn and Cousin Parker

Quinn in her bouncer.
Happy Girl.

Quinn visiting with her cousin Parker whom is a day younger than her.

Move over please, paparazzi is here taking pictures of me Parker.

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Quick Cutie

I have no clue why we haven't thought of getting a picture of big brother holding his sister? I was inspired the other day I guess. I was upstairs trying to get little Quinn to stop crying. She hates to be in the same place for an extended period. She also can't stand being alone, most of the time. So, I get her upstairs and she finally quits fussing. Triton follows because he likes to get into stuff upstairs. I decided to see how good Triton would be if Quinn was in his lap and I told him to hold onto her. I set him down, then sat Quinn in front of him and they were fine. I told him to stay there so I could run downstairs and get the camera. I run as fast as I could in hopes that he didn't let her tip over and get the camera. I run back up and the camera battery is dead of course. So, I run back downstairs and get the flip video. That is why the quality of the picture isn't that great, but I think that it is way cute nonetheless. I took like 20 seconds of video and was happy as could be that I was able to get a still shot with the both of them looking at the camera. Triton is smiling of course because he loves to be in front of the camera, and Quinn isn't fussing and is not drooling. So, I won't be too upset that I didn't get a smile from her as well. She is for sure a drooler! Triton never really did drool at all even when teething, but little Quinn is bound and determined to be unattractive. She holds her tongue in the front of her gums and just drools and has spit bubbles in the front of her mouth 90% of the time. This was another reason that reinforced my opinion of her not being that cute of a baby. I see her in her cute moments with no spit and a huge smile and I know that she is getting cuter day by day.