Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Well, It Turns Out

So, I guess my last blog wasn't that funny. There was only one person "besides Sheri" who thought it was funny. I didn't give any warning to any of you who read it before hand so as to get an honest reaction. Sheri of course knew it never happened so that is why she thought it was funny. My cousin Brandon is a bit sick like me and he thought it was funny too.
The most amazing thing that I discovered from you all is that you pretty much believed it. I wonder if it was because of the way it was written or you all think that I could in fact do something that horrific? My own mom cried as she read it and tried to call me before finishing it. I guess she let the phone ring twice before hanging up when she got to the bottom and read the part about it being a practical joke. One person out of my family and friends doubted it from the very beginning. My cousin Josh and I are so alike that I am sure that is why he never for even the slightest second thought that it could or did happen! Thanks Josh for being the only one that knows and believes I am and always will be a decent enough guy to not hit his wife! I love you and always will.

So yeah my mom was in town and stayed with us "at her house" the whole time she was here from the 16th of October and left the 26th. It was so great to see her, it had almost been a year. She has hair again after all the chemo. It grew back all curly though. I guess that can sometimes happen after being exposed to chemo! Last time she stayed in town she stayed here at her house and also her mother's. I was glad that she didn't leave us this time because I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could. I felt bad that I did go golfing two or three times while she was here, but I did take off work all the days that she was here. Her and I went to a few movies while she was here.
We saw "Devil", it was really good. We also saw "Hereafter", it was really good until the end. It kind of ended abruptly and didn't really have a conclusion at all. Devil was a classic M. Knight movie. I have mentioned in past blogs that I love his movies. All of them except for "The Happening" for some reason that movie just didn't float my boat. Sure he did Avatar (The Last Airbender), but it is kind of a kids movie. I liked it and it was better than I thought it was going to be, but I think that he had to follow what has already been written to a certain extent. I don't think that my mom too much cared for "Devil" she would say it was okay. That is where I get my thing with 99% of movies just being okay. A movie really has to stick out for us (my mom and I) to say that a movie is good. I think that I would say I like more movies that her in the sense that I would say they are good, but I think she looks simply at the story and the acting. I love to watch how a movie is filmed from different angles and originality is great too. So a movie that is okay to her can be good to me simply because of the directing.
So, I also got my mom to play Mariokart for the Wii. I figured I could talk her into that because it is a simple game. You basically push one button and steer with the controller as if you were driving a real car. She competed with Triton and beat him probably 65% of the time. He drives better than her on the game and knows the courses better, but he loses interest and goes in circles half of the time. It was crazy that she played though because she doesn't like games like that at all. She has never like Nintendo crap all that much except one game way back in the day, I think I was in 4th grade when I awoke to my mom playing this one game in my room on my small black and white television at 3:00am or so. It was a game called The Battle of Olympus, it is kind of like Mario except it is about mythology. Most everything else was the same though as far as challenges and control. The greatest story within that story about my mom playing mariokart is that I was able to trick her into being on camera. We have a flip video that is wicked easy and fast to operate. Without her knowing I setup the camera while we played. My mom has always hated cameras and having her picture taken, so when she didn't notice me setting it up I was grateful. One reason was she was able to act natural and another was the fact that it captured her doing something with Triton and myself. It was funny watching her steer because she would over-correct much like a new student in drivers ed. Triton and I play mariokart all the time and we hardly move our hands and arms while driving. My mother on the other hand was all over the room. She had me laughing so hard watching her on the screen that I was crying. My stomach hurt so bad because I was relating her driving on screen to a new boy or girl trying to get their license. She obviously has known how to drive a real vehicle for so long that you would think that she would know to make small easy corrections? I guess the fact that it is a game changed her way of thinking because she was on one side of the road/screen in one second and the next instant she was on the opposite side wheeling her way back to the other. Whether or not she will say she liked playing it I am sure that she did.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

You never think

Well, I know it has been awhile since I have blogged and for that I am sorry. Sorry that I haven't been doing it and maybe if I had blogged I wouldn't be in the predicament that I am in at the moment.
It is embarrassing to think that I am faced with criminal charges. I have a lawyer that is super confident that I won't be facing any jail/prison time so that is good! It would serve me right though and this might be my last blog for sometime since I won't have access to a computer when serving community service. I am just seeing myself along the highway with the other people who have let these tough times bring them down as well. All of us freezing, picking up the litter that those inconsiderate pigs throw out of there car while driving carefree in their expensive automobiles. Okay not only the rich litter, I am just sour I guess about those who don't care about this planet.
So here it is, since I am imagining that you are wondering why I have a lawyer and everything else. One night about a month and a half ago Sheri and I were stressed about the kids screaming and Quinn was being a terd and wouldn't let us sleep for more than 20 minutes. I guess it took our toll on us and one night it all came tumbling down the mountain. Sheri usually always gets up and takes care of Quinn because I hate getting up because I don't sleep that well anyway. Well after working 4 of my long nights and taking care of the kids in the daytime while Sheri worked I was excited to get some much needed sleep. I remember falling asleep and waking up like 3 times to Sheri getting up and catering to our little (scream every minute) daughter. It was probably 3 in the morning and I wasn't happy at all. The 4th time that Quinn woke up Sheri let her cry and cry (which she usually doesn't) and it was pissing me off like no other. I nudge Sheri to go get her and she yells at me to go and do it myself. I am wicked pissed and go to get up to try to tend to little miss crying angel Quinn. Now when I have to get out of bed I have to crawl over Sheri because our bed is on a corner. I remember this whole moment like it was yesterday and the moment will forever be etched in my brain. Thank goodness it was dark so I don't have to see it in my mind over and over, but then again maybe it should be something that should haunt me. I was in a rage yes, but I never imagined that this situation could ever happen. I am kind of rushing to get out of bed and I must have been a little groggy too but I tried to miss Sheri's body parts while hopping out of bed. I kind of mount over her and ease passed her and not touch her when usually getting out of bed. When in a hurry this didn't work too well and I accidentally slipped and fell on her abdomen with all of my weight on my elbow. In an instant and what feels like an eternity in my head now as it replays over and over, Sheri probably in a reaction to being pummeled from my elbow kneed me in the crotch.
This next part is very hard to write and I can't believe that I am able to write all of this as tears are streaming down my face. I probably won't even hit submit when posting this blog as it is a shame to me, but in case I do have to go to jail I want everyone to know that I am so sorry.
There is no excuse for what happened even though it was maybe a simple reaction from all the stress and having my jewels crushed from a knee, but in no time flat I thought maybe Sheri did it on purpose and retaliated by hitting her. I hit her in the face! Being so tired I don't know how a fist could have had so much velocity. I obviously made contact and must have landed this rage adrenaline filled punch to Sheri's nose and eye socket area. Her nose broke and her eye was hurt pretty bad, but I have heard that she is healing well. She even had three broken ribs from my fat ass crushing her from the initial fall to her mid section. Blood instantly covered her face and pillow. I felt panic rush over me and I tried to hug her and tell her I was so sorry. She raced out of the room spilling red everywhere on her way out of the room and down the stairs. She called the police and I don't know if she even grabbed toilet paper before calling them. You know how in the movies or in an accident the police take forever to show up! Well on this night it seemed as though they were here in an instant. I didn't have time to grab Quinn and follow Sheri down the stairs and see how badly she was hurt (since I discovered that there was a river of blood after getting Quinn and turning on the light) before there was a knock at the door. I could see cop car lights and couldn't believe that I was going to jail. I am sure that I would have done the same thing if I was Sheri. I don't blame her at all. And since this story is all fiction and never happened I can forgive her and I hope that you all can forgive me. It isn't even April Fool's.

****Warning three people have called and didn't understand that this is an actual joke (it didn't really happen)*******

Here are a couple of updated pictures of the kids. Triton is in preschool now, only one day a week. In January he is going to be going 4 times a week and will be having lunch at school. When talking it over with the ladies at the school I almost started crying because I knew that my boy is growing up. I will explain more about that and how my mom was in town to visit this last month as well in my next blog.