Growing up I guess I had some really bad earaches and really high fevers to go along with them. I hoped that Triton wouldn't ever get an ear infection because I hear that they aren't fun and can be a pain to new parents. About three weeks ago Triton was sick. He woke up one morning and his voice was all froggy. The next day his voice was just fine but he was coughing a lot. The next day his cough wasn't getting any better and he wasn't wanting to do hardly a thing. He has been sick in the past but he usually forces himself to play. He would try to play a bit so I wasn't too concerned. Sheri made a doctor's appointment anyway and I had the privilege of taking him. He hates the doctor with a passion. As soon as he knows that they are going to pick at him and listen to his heart and lungs he just screams. I admire doctor's who put of with that all day.
It turned out that she checked his ears and found that he did in fact have an ear infection in his left ear. His temperature was never higher than 101.3 so that is great that he didn't have a really high fever like I had when I was a young one. The doc prescribed some pepto-bismol looking stuff that he has to take twice a day for 10 days. He was pretty good at taking the medicine and was up to his regular self a few days later. The picture below is of him at his low point. He was trying to cover his eyes because the flash hurt his eyes! Poor baby boy.
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