Monday, April 20, 2009


An uneventful week really. Did, however find out when my cousin Brandon is going to be in town. Brandon, who is in the marines, is leaving Iraq and visiting us on his leave time next month on May 17th for three days. It is going to be great to see him again, he has never seen Triton except of course in pictures, and I have never met his wife. They are both coming to visit for a bit and then he will be off again.
Oh I guess I can update you on Triton's speech evaluation. Back in December, Triton's doctor suggested that we get him in to speech therapy at age two if he hasn't started spitting out three to five word sentences by that time. He is not quite two yet, but Sheri wanted to get him in early just in case it could help his advancement. We took him in last Tuesday and the first session is all about evaluation and seeing how far along he is or isn't. The lady visited with us and Triton, of course he was preoccupied with the toys that were in the room, she must have been okay with where he was because she said that she wasn't too concerned at this point. She said he was a bit behind, but nothing too drastic and too bring him back in six months to see how he is going then. So, you booger, you have six months to start spitting out new words. Basically one new word a day. She gave us some helpful hints on how to coax him into talking more, so hopefully that will do it.
Onto the MacGyver story. Yesterday, Sheri had a meeting to go to at church before our actual time to go to church. She left and Triton was being a jerk. He is hardly ever fussy when alone with me during the weekdays, and in the past after Sheri has taken care of him on the weekends he would regress and I would have to get him back on track Monday morning. This hasn't happened for quite sometime, and Mondays he has been pretty good. This weekend something must have happened, because Sunday morning he was being a fussy monkey. He is always way more fussy when around his mom, so I was hoping once she left for her meeting that he would settle down. He did not, so I decided to give him some alone time in his room to let him cool off. He is almost climbing out of his crib now, so we have been locking a gate in the door jam. If he climbs out of his crib fine, but his room is upstairs and I don't want him falling down the stairs. He can go downstairs just fine, but waking up all groggy I just don't want to chance it. I put him in his crib, locked the gate in place and decided to slam his door a bit to show him how unhappy I really was with his attitude. As I was shutting his door on top of locking the gate I had a small thought in my head, why am I closing his door? About fifteen minutes passed when I decided to save him from his prison. He stopped crying basically the moment his door shut, but I wanted him to cool off maybe get a short nap in before Sheri took him to church. I returned to open his door and discovered that it locked. I knew that he was in his still in his crib, and that the door must have been locked when I shut it. Triton hasn't yet climbed out of his crib, so there was no way to lure him over to the door to try to unlock it. I wondered if his window was locked, if it was unlocked I would be able to get in that way. I decided to try the old credit card through the door knob trick. I of course didn't use a credit card because the door jam/molding was in the way. I paused and thought of something that might work. I trucked downstairs and looked through my tool box and was delighted to find these small flexible blades that attach to a saw, they are about 14 inches long. I figured they would flex around the molding and I would be able to jimmy the lock and open the door. It wouldn't flex enough so that idea was flushed. I really didn't want to break the door or the handle in order to get in, so I thought of scaling the wall outside to see if his window was indeed unlocked. I decided to seperate the molding from the wall and get to the lock that way, it worked I was able to get the flexible blade in between the molding and the lock, but wasn't able to jimmy it enough. I never panicked, those who know me can believe that I hardly ever panic. Sheri did return home though and after a minute or two started up the stairs. I hurried to the top of the stairs to stop her. She asked what I was doing, and I told her not to worry about it and to go back downstairs. After she started back downstairs I informed her that Triton was locked in his room. I checked the lock on the door downstairs to see how to tackle the situation and found that I was trying to get the lock from the wrong side. For those who don't use a dead bolt on your home, you may want to start. After discovering how simple the problem was, I returned upstairs with a simple compact disc "CD". It literally took 3 seconds to break in after discovering how to attack the lock. Start using your dead bolts in your home, if you don't have one get one! His window was indeed locked so it was a good thing I hadn't tried that.
Even though it really wasn't my fault, I am figuring on catching some crap from family and friends for this one!

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