Well, as many have known for some time now, Sheri is pregnant again. This is going to be our second child. We found out this last Friday if it was a boy or a girl. I had been expecting a girl because I already have my King Triton. I of course wanted a another boy, but wasn't at all surprised when the person giving us the ultrasound informed us that it was a girl. I was kind of hoping that it would be a girl too because Sheri deserves to have a little girl. She really wanted a girl. I of course wanted all boys that way we could always have only boy stuff around and simply do man sports and such. A little girl isn't going to be bad at all. I am kind of hoping that she will be a daddy's girl since Triton is for sure a mommy's boy. There has been one day in the past three months that Triton was a daddy's boy and wanted me over his mom. Every and all other days he just wants his mommy. Hopefully these next few months where Sheri can't pick Triton up and baby him will be a wake up call for him. Being a
momma's boy is a bad thing, but he needs to learn that she isn't going to always be picking him up.
There are days that he won't let me pick him up to simply put him in or get him out of the car. I don't mind him wanting his mom over me it doesn't hurt my feelings at all. It would just be so much quicker if he would let me carry him to and from different locations. I just let her keep babying him because that is the monster she help create. It is her first child and she should be able to pick him up all of the time because he is the baby. She should be able to pick him up because in a few years he is going to be to big for her to pickup anyway. I just can't stand having the both of them freezing in the cold winter because little
momma's boy can't have daddy help him out of the car. Well, he is going to have a rude wake up call when her doctor informs her she can't pick him up anymore. I just hope that he gets used to it quickly. There have been a couple of times that he has been left in the car for a while to cry because Sheri wasn't able to get him out because she was carrying something else. Then there have been numerous times that he gets to go in his room because daddy didn't want to wait for either of them. So, I get him out of the car he is being a jerk and pushes my hands away as he is whining.
I am also afraid that Sheri is going to push herself a little too far as well. Not knowing that he is a growing boy or not knowing how fragile a state she herself is going to be in and then she is going to hurt herself.
Right now it is great though, when she is around and we both have the day off I let her do everything. I let her take him out of the car because that is what he wants, so I simply go in the house or where ever we are. I let her do the
reprimanding because that is something that needs to be done by her when we are both around, not just me. Triton of course drives me a little too far and I have to help her with that part, but as for now him being a
momma's boy makes things so much easier on me.
So, when I say I want this new little princess to be a daddy's boy it isn't to have her like me more than Sheri. I want her to be a daddy's girl so that things can be done in a timely manner, like entering or exiting a vehicle. Like being carried into a store from the parking lot. That angers me to no end. I have to carry Triton because I don't want him to fall on the ice and he is falling from my arms because he is reaching for his mommy.
Ewww, that one angers me to no end. Again, not because he is a
momma's boy, but because he is a
momma's boy all of the time. Wait 10 seconds for me to carry you into the building then your mommy can have your royal
bratness!! Okay enough venting about my angel Triton.
You may wonder why I think of him as an angel? Well, when he is alone with me during the days, he is basically an angel. I might have to send him to his room or raise my voice to him once a month during our alone times. When Sheri and I are together on my days off it is the exact opposite. There might be once day a month where I don't have to raise my voice or send him to his room. I am a parent that does believe in spankings as well, and he gets his fair share of swats on the butt, but only when his mom is around. You might think that I simply resent the fact that he is a
momma's boy and see things that aren't there because of that fact. That is not the case. Things have gotten a lot better lately. In the past it was him being an angel for me all day. No whining and no fits. As soon as Sheri would walk in the door the whining would begin. Thank goodness that has gotten to be about a thing from the past. He at least waits a few minutes nowadays to start the whining. It is pretty funny because my cousin Josh's girlfriend and him have the same issues. I imagine that everybody who has children has run into this same issue, but it is just something that I had to vent about.
I told you that Kim has two girls of her own (a 4 year old [Bella] and another girl who is a little over a year and a half [Presley]) I did finally meet them a couple of weeks ago when Josh was down for Thanksgiving. They are two gorgeous girls. I guess Kim (Josh's girlfriend) is part
Hispanic. I can't remember if the father of the first girl was
Hispanic or not, but Bella has long beautiful hair. Then the second girl was fathered by a black man and Presley has pretty long curly hair. Both are cute as can be. Josh for those who don't know him is an albino! He was born a toe head and never grew out of it. His hair has always looked as if he just bleached it. Holly Madison hair his whole life. He isn't really an albino, but he is as white as white comes. So, we kind of throw puns in Kim's direction about how she wanted a kid from every color person. First I think it was another
Hispanic that fathered her first child, then a black man that fathered the second, and I am sure she must have just been in awe seeing Josh for the first time. Whitey
McWhitey. Maybe she first went with her own ethnicity, then saw a beautiful black man that didn't work out and she wanted to get as far from black as possible. Well, she did it for sure. She again, is supposedly
Hispanic, but she doesn't really look it. So her
Hispanic genes have to be a bit dormant. Josh's albino (white) gene is for sure a dominant that his baby is going to pop out and be Powder. Powder is a movie in the 90s for those who don't get the joke, watch the movie and then laugh at the joke. It is a pretty good movie.
Sheri hasn't really liked the color pink for a long while? I don't mind the color pink at all, and won't have a problem with everything we get being pink as well. Betty, Sheri's
stepmother said she was planning on buying everything pink. I told her that was fine. Sheri wanted to inform her that there were other colors as well that are associated with the female gender, and I smiled at Betty and gave her the go ahead. The go ahead to buy all the pink she wants. As much as I can't stand wasting money on barbies and whatsoever
girly things there are I know they are developmental tools. They just aren't golf clubs, footballs, basketballs and all the other great and easy things that boys have. I mean you have a doll (baby) that has a brush and a bottle and a this and a that. Growing up as a boy all you need to have fun is dirt! I remember throwing dirt clods at each other and that was a great day! I know that I will love this girl (whatever Sheri picks her name to be) no matter what, but I am frightened as well. I told Sheri that I picked Triton's name so she can pick the girl name.
She didn't like that idea and said that I would have to like it as well. I just want you to know Sheri that if you find a name and really are in love with it then it is fine with me. I told her that I would still help, which I will, but I would really like it if she would find a name that she loves. A couple of not so original family and friends said why not name her Ariel from The Little Mermaid as well? I liked the movie, loved the name Triton and that is about it. I don't have to love everything about the movie and don't have to love every name in the movie! I made a joke back at a couple of people saying that we would rather name her Flounder over Ariel! After joking back and forth we decided on Scuttles (the seagull) from The Little Mermaid. I kind of wish that Sheri would come up with something that she loves because it reminded her of this or that. I mean Triton reminds me of a great time in my life when I was 10 - 12 and had no care in the world. It reminds me of my grandma and grandpa which in return reminds me of all my grandparents, so it is just a special name because of the great memories it holds. Obviously she doesn't have anything like that, but she did mention a name from a book that I scrunched my nose at when first hearing it. Now that I think of it that name isn't too bad at all. So, Sheri, if you can remember which name that was and you still like it I am a go with it.